Websites I like
A selections of things I like on the Internet
- anon board with html canvas, handwritten imageboard, pictochat type vibes
- Lunarsight: i don't understand what's goin on on this sit but I like the aesthetic
- Danger/u/: shitpost like its 2077 or something
- Aesthetics Wiki: an encyclopedia of internet aesthetics, very informative
- InstallGentoo Wiki: /g/'s official wiki
- InstallGentoo Wiki: /g/'s official wiki (mirror)
- PC Gaming Wiki: insanely useful wiki to learn how to play old games in good condition
- JS Paint : ms paint in a webbrowser, it's literally the exact same as the win xp ms paint but in a web browser and it blows my mind for some reason
- Agora Roads : One of the last forum that is still good nowadays, thats where i spend most of my time
- : best cooking website
- : to send files to your friends, simple, encrypted and p2p, by the author of WebTorrent
- : tutorials to make sites and stuff
- : that guy make good videos and good sites like landchad and
- LOW←TECH MAGAZINE : a mag about how to use tech the right way, hosted on a solar powered machine
- The Lunduke Journal : The last bastion of independent Tech Journalism
- : truly one of the browser games of all time
- : translation of the lain game on PSX, playable on web browser
- Yume Nikki Online : Yume Nikki and clones but multiplayer
- : a list of crypto services that don't ask your ID, also have anonymous hosting and sim cards
- I'll add more links later maybe
There are a lot of shops on the Internet but some of them are better than others
- : the best game store out there, DRM-free and pay the creators very well(0% fee for the platform). Since it is very easy to publish there there will be a *lot* of low effort content
- GOG : quite based game store, full of DRM-free stuff
- Zoom Platform : a new store similar to GOG, I kinda get weird vibes from this platform but it is a site that exist and sell DRM-free stuff so imma list it anyways
- bandcamp : the best music store, 0% fee, lossless quality and DRM-free
- qobuz : DRM-free lossless music, has almost everything
- request: if someone know a store for drm-free movies or anime please share the link with me (contact info on main page of the site)
The best way to massively share files over the internet, don't forget to use a VPN if you don't wan't your government/anyone to know what you download
A selection of mostly safe websites to find torrents :
- 1337x : general purpose website with a lot of stuff
- Fitgirl Repacks : a lot of games, highly compressed
- The Pirate Bay : a very famous site with a lot of stuff
- The Pirate Bay (TOR)
- Torrent9 : french website with many films in french (they often change URL (and I never bother to update it on my site) )
- PCGamesTorrent : lot of games
- TeamOS : for all your modded Windows needs (private tracker)
- : anime torrents for weebs
- Btdigg : a website that analyses the DHT directly, when everything else fails
- CDRomance : my favorite website for retro games
If one of the link is blocked in your country change your DNS or use a VPN
Good softwares
Check out my new rocks.html list
The software I use on a daily basis:
Desktop environment: dwm, suckless tools. Designed to be as simple and effective as possible, with as little dependencies as possible, take
some time to get used to but won't ever get in your way, very easy to install from source, comfy af
Key bindings: xbindkeys, you can use dwm to set key bindings but it is better to use another software instead, will make switching WMs way less
tiresome, use your WM for WM related bindings but launching stuff should be done with xbindkeys
Browser: librewolf which is a fork of firefox without corpo nonsense and without telemetry and lots of pricacy features, I wish I didn't have
to use something as bloated as firefox or a clone of it but the web is what it is. Honorable mentions to
dillo and netsurf,
very based projects and I try to keep this site as viewable as possible on those
Mail client: neomutt through mutt-wizard, janky af but everything else I tried was actually jankier.
Maybe emacs would work fine as a mail client but that thing's an entire operating system with some learning curve I've never felt like falling into
that stuff yet. Do not use aerc the software will crash and lose the mail you took dozens of minutes to write
Text edition: neovim. Unironically easy to use do not believe those who says it's complicated, you just have to learn for one afternoon then you have
the easiest text editor you can use on every machine you have, desktop, servers, phones. I don't use any extension tho they a hassle to install, LSPs
get in my way I don't like them, I did install NERDTree once its kinda nice sometimes i guess
Sync tools: rsync, netcat. rsync is comfy af in one command line I can get a whole folder from one of my computer to another, netcat can throw stdin
over the network which can be useful af too, I usually use it to transfer small files from a machine to another
Music player: mpd, mpc with shell scripts linked to keyboard shortcuts and dmenu
Android apps: Termux, launch linux/unix software on phone, I use neovim as my dream journal and note app that way. Newpipe, to download youtube or
play youtube music. f-droid, like the playstore except the apps there are actually good. OpenCamera, it just works better than the normal camera app
on my phone. VLC is comfy as a music player. HeliBoard is a comfy keyboard
Programming language: golang, that shit's so good it's unbelievable. lua is probably the best interpreted language out there (haven't used it in a
while). I still have a soft spot for BASIC. I hate python so much I will actively avoid software written in it (yt-dlp being a notable exception to
this). I learnt JS at school, that shit's weird af but it's fine for little browser scripts I guess (no point in nodejs at all when golang is a thing,
apart from the lack of var types in js which could make it less of a hassle to code some stuff, am too much of a noob to know if thats actually a good
thing tho). POSIX Shell scripts are scattered all across my computers they automate everything, comfy af fr fr
Virtual machines: virsh and virt-manager, that's what I use for gaming works really great. On small systems qemu is actually good to use, commands are
long af but if you used to make scripts thats no problem
Operating systems: netbsd is comfy as long as you don't need linux features, artix is probably the best OS for desktop but a hassle to install unless
you use the iso with desktop on it which is bloated af, alpine is the best distro as long as you're fine with musl (hard to install proprietary software,
official nvidia drivers uninstallable), debian is a real pain with its outdated packages but at least there are a lot of tutorials for it online, I
only use it cause most VPS providers don't provide anything better
Basically I fell for the suckless/unix philosophy meme and that shit's comfy af, if you wanna learn and get hyped about that kind of stuff luke smith's videos are a good starting point
Honorable mentions to hyprland which is pretty based and comfy, I had to stop using it cause they really enjoy to move fast and break everything all the time but if you're fine with that and fine with wayland I don't think there is any better compositor out there
Some of the scripts I use on my system are available at that address :